
Diversity Spend Management

GoProcure can help you engage and manage diversity suppliers to optimize your spend

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The GoProcure Approach to Diversity Spend Management is Fueled by Experience

While the business case is clear, a number of corporations have historically underperformed on diversity initiatives with suppliers.
Kickstarting diversity programs is challenging and requires working with a business that has deep expertise and capability.

GoProcure has just that. As a certified minority owned business, GoProcure has deep experience and knowledge of what it takes to provide successful diversity outcomes for organizations; as a procurement solution provider, our success is tied to the effectiveness of our clients’ supply chains. We are passionate stewards of a robust and diverse supplier network to ensure that the organizations we partner with get the benefit of diversity.

Our Commitment To Diversity

Diversity Supplier Management

Leverage a broader, more visible and more diverse supplier pool, ensuring best-in-class pricing and cost savings


Diversity Sourcing and Procurement
We support minority businesses with our team of sourcing and procurement experts who are committed to providing customized solutions to help your organization manage your procurement in a smarter and more profitable way
Diversity Spend Management
Gain Insight into purchase trends and patterns, increase spend visibility with diversity suppliers

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Our Approach To Diversity Sourcing

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